On This Very Night

Dec 17, 2023

Glory to God in the highest! And Peace to men on earth. For unto you is born on this very night a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord.  That was the news first announced long ago to shepherds on a hillside outside Bethlehem. The Gospel of Luke tells us that a choir of angels sang, praising God, maybe much like this choir has just done.

At Christmas, we remember the story and the good news that Christ was born. We tell it again because He came, not just to them but to us---He is our Savior, Christ, the Lord.  We remember the shepherd, because we, too, have been wakeful, alone, keeping the nights fear at bay. We remember Mary and Jospeh, because we also have been called to birth the Gospel, and we know it requires faith and obedience.  We remember the journey of the kings, because we have made our own journeys in search of God’s promises, and we’ve been worshipers in His presence. We have brought Him our gifts, humble and great.

What is God asking of you that seems impossible?  In this moment, remember Mary and Joseph who said, “YES” Ask God for their faith to step out in Obedience.