Jan 2024

Jan 21, 2024

Happy New Year...2024 is ringing in with a bang...or should I say a cold front. Today the council met to discuss where we are going and take a look at where we have been. When you think of church meetings probably cringe...unfortunately, many meetings are cringe worthy, but at Hope the Holy Spirit really takes over and guides the team. On this day, our chair had a great plan to guide the meeting...Each team was to discuss their goals, what they had accomplished since the last meeting, what they are going to do, or do differently and how the council can help them be successful. That was a great way to create an agenda that is positive and forward thinking. Many of the ideas and plans that were shared had a common theme...working together with other teams to support one another and serve others. I am very honored to serve in a church that has service as a goal and a priority. Though some of the teams have a primary focus like property, such as the Trustees team, others had several focuses... The Missions team covers a variety of entities, local and worldwide. Outreach focuses on several organizations but also a direct line with the congregational needs. CE is teaching all of us to be better, love deeper, and keep Christ at the center. Social and Benevolence has one of the greatest supporting roles of them all...their mission is to care for all of us, in good and tough times. The ministry team is, as it should be, laser focused. God is planning mighty things for Hope...Already we have a Baptism service scheduled for Feb 18th...a concert that same evening and an Easter program all in the first quarter. We also discussed meeting the financial need for the roof on the sanctuary...Need has been met! Praise the Lord. God is good all the time! Most people don’t know about or don't understand the need for the various teams in the church, but they are necessary. It is a calling and a ministry in itself. Things don't just appear or get fixed, events just don't happen, and needs aren't just met...it takes several teams of people...leaders within in the church to pray, plan and execute. Many times, the efforts overlap and that makes all the difference. As we march forward into 2024, let’s take time and give thanks for the awesome teams at Hope...Thank you for all you do for the Lord..